Seat at the Table

We want to hear from you and we want you to be a part of We are Girls in Sport.

We are recruiting for our WAGIS group, ‘Seat at the Table’, a group dedicated to shaping We are Girls in Sport as it grows. Every sports club has a committee so we thought we should too and we’re inviting you to have a seat at this (virtual) table.

We would like the Have your Say group to be as diverse as our wonderful community so we want it to be formed of …

Girls from all over the world.

Sporty girls playing different sports.

Girls who think being active isn’t for them (please forward this to them!).

A variety of abilities and disabilities.


We will meet online about every 3 months to discuss different parts of the We are Girls in Sport platform. We want you to feel comfortable to share your ideas, suggestions and opinions, even negative ones! You need to tell us what works and what doesn’t work, what you’d like to see more of and know that it’s a very safe space.

We have two members already but we’ll wait to reveal who they are when we have the complete set.

The committee will be made up of eight members to begin with. There isn’t an application form or anything like that – just drop us an email and tell us all about yourself. Make sure you include why you want to join the committee!

Please remember that we are an inclusive community. By ‘girls’ we mean anyone who identifies as a girl. By ‘sport’ we mean any exercise, physical activity or sport that involves movement and that benefits body and / or mind.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Caroline Kings